Creating Multipurpose Content for Time Efficiency

As a business owner, entrepreneur, or employee, you can often feel like you are on the hamster wheel of content creation.

There’s always a list of content to write, produce, film, or edit.

But have you ever thought, “There must be a better way?”

We want to share with you an effective technique to creating multipurpose content that can maximize your time and effort.

Creating Multipurpose Content

Step 1: Choose a main platform or type

The first to being effective when creating multipurpose content is to choose your main stage or platform.

With this specific strategy, you want to focus on only ONE main social media site or type of content.

For example, you may really enjoy writing, so you want to focus on a blog.

Or maybe you enjoy being on camera, so YouTube is your primary platform.

To choose your main type or platform, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What type of content do you enjoy creating? Writing? Filming? Audio?

  • What platforms do you ideal clients visit most often? Facebook? YouTube? Spotify?

Once you decide on your main platform, move to step two.

For the sake of this article, I’ll pretend that my main platform is a podcast that I will create weekly.

Step 2: Create your main content

Once you know what kind of content you want to produce, create it!

There are many choices and can include:

  • Blog articles

  • Newsletters

  • Videos - long and short form

  • Podcasts

Once you have your main content completed, put it out into the world and then move to step three.

For example, I have created my first podcast episode and launched it on iTunes and Spotify.

Step 3: Break it into smaller chunks

Step three is where you leverage your main content to gain greater traction with less work and effort.

The idea is to take your main content piece and break it into smaller chucks that you can redistribute on other platforms.

For example, I can create a transcript of my podcast, using smart AI technology like Sonix.

Once I have the transcript, I can extract certain parts of it to use on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

I can also create sound bites from my podcast to use on Instagram and Facebook stories.

If I have a few great nuggets of wisdom, I can even create several visuals using software like Canva to create engaging social media graphics.

Step 4: Repurpose your content on various other channels

Once you have broken down the main content into smaller pieces, such as visual graphics, smaller text articles and posts, sound bites, or video clips, it’s time to make the most of repurposing your content.

Choose the best social media channels and other forms of communicating with your clients and customers to receive the maximum benefit.

For example, I may create a visual graphic with a key highlight sentence from my podcast and use it in my weekly newsletter to my email subscribers.

I can also post the same graphic on my Instagram feed and LinkedIn account.

Learning how to be effective and efficient in creating your social media content can help save your sanity and get off the content hamster wheel.

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