The Zoom Events Platform

Virtual events aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Many still prefer virtual meetings and online conferences where participants get to experience convenience, accessibility, and flexibility.

Although some are so eager to have the in-person events. Others are also preparing for hybrid events wherein they want to have a good mix of virtual and in-person attendees depending on the preferences of the participants.

One thing is for sure, virtual events will be a part of the new normal setting.

With the effort of Zoom to provide a complete and wide range of unique virtual experiences to its avid users, they introduced this summer its all-in-one solution called Zoom Events.

Before this, last October 2020 Zoom announced the launch of its events platform and marketplace, On Zoom. OnZoom is in Beta and has given paid Zoom users a platform to produce an event and monetize it.

Instructors, teachers, coaches, speakers, performers, and other service providers can generate income from the tickets charged for the sessions, webinars, presentations, and performances they offer using the Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinars.

If you’re wondering what will happen to OnZoom, it will be now part of the Zoom Events. It will be like a directory of events.

Zoom shared some exciting features of the Zoom Events. These are:

  1. The Event Hub- Events will be listed in one place making it more discoverable and easy to spot. At one glance, the participants can see the details of every event.

  2. Multi-Sessions- Multiple events can now be created by the events hosts plus the opportunity to network among the participants in a virtual lobby.

  3. Ticketing and registration- the platform enables ticketing and registration as well as tracking of these activities.

  4. Internal events- Allows larger businesses to seamlessly manage all-hands and sales summits, or external events like user conferences and consumer events.

  5. Group internal events- Make the events easily discoverable for their employees.

To learn more about Zoom Events platform and viewpoints from industry experts, visit this blog: